Laser Treatments, BBL and Halo and Hair Removal

Laser and Light therapy (Broad Band Light Therapy) are two treatments offered at The Facebar which can treat a variety of skin concerns.  Fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (dark spots), facial vessels, and redness can all be improved with laser therapy, light therapy, or a combination of the two.

The Halo laser is a great treatment to rejuvenate aging skin with minimal downtime.  It can improve fine lines, wrinkles, tone, texture, scarring, and dark spots.  The procedure can be completed on the face, neck, and decollete. A typical appointment books for an hour and a half to allow for a topical numbing cream to take effect.  The skin appears and feels like a sunburn immediately post procedure, and by day 2 to 3, tiny dark spots called MENDS (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will start to appear on the skin.  They will slough off on their own approximately 7-10 days for the face, but may take up to 3 weeks to fully slough off from the body.  Patients love this treatment because the dual wavelength technology allows patients to achieve better results with less downtime.

Broadband Light (BBL) puts pulses of light into the skin to alter our genes, which makes our skin cells function more effectively and appear more youthful.  It also treats hyperpigmentation, facial vessels, some types of acne, and rosacea.  It is recommended to complete a series of three to five treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.  Once skin is at goal, two to three treatments a year will typically maintain results as well as continue the anti-aging process.  The procedure books for one hour for a treatment to the face, with additional time for extra areas.  


Are there any pretreatment instructions I should know of?

-It is best to schedule a consultation with your provider to determine the recommended number of treatments.  

-Avoid sun exposure 4 weeks prior to treatment and sunless tanner two weeks prior to treatments.

-Stop Retinol and hydroquinone (if using these products) three days prior to treatment.


What post care instructions should I follow?

-Use gentle skincare until skin returns to normal (typically 7-10 days).  Once skin is back to normal you may return to your normal skincare routine.

-Avoid direct sunlight 4 weeks after treatment.  If unable to avoid sun, a sunhat and mineral spf are recommended.


Who is a good halo/BBL Candidate?

-Anyone looking for more youthful and healthy skin, patients with dark spots, facial vessels, acne, and textural concerns.


Laser Hair Removal

BBL also is a tool used for laser hair removal. This treatment is ideal for patients with significant contrast between their unwanted hair and their skin, the BBL laser can target the pigment in the hair, effectively killing the hair follicle thus preventing regrowth. It is recommended that patients undergo a series of 5 to 6 treatments, about a month apart, to target hair at different phases of the growth cycle.  This is effective for most skin types, but less effective for patients with very dark skin, or pale skin with light hair.  Patients with tanned skin are advised to wait until the tan (artificial or not) fades so that the laser can more effectively target the pigment only in the hair. 


Leslie McBride