Chemical Peels: A Must!

Are you familiar with chemical peels and what the benefits are? If you struggle with acne, scarring, discoloration, texture, you aren’t alone. Luckily, there are things we can do to improve and enhance your skin! Performed by licensed professionals, professional chemical peels are an essential part of restoring and maintaining skin health.

Medical Grade skin care optimizes and maintains the results achieved with these treatments. During your consultation, our esthetician will evaluate your skin and help access what peel is best for you. The intensity of peels vary upon which peel you do. In the office, we offer a range of peels including SkinMedica and ZO peels. They all work towards eliminating signs of aging, correcting pigment concerns, treating texture and promoting smoothness for an overall better complexion. I’ll break down the differences between the peels to give a better understanding.

Mild Peel
ZO Stimulator Peel: This is considered your “lunch time peel” because it offers no downtime. With the use of citric, lactic, and salicylic acids they exfoliate dead skin cells and increase the stimulation of cell turnover. You’ll see improvement in your skin after one treatment, but we encourage receiving the peel once a week for four weeks for optimal results.

Moderate Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel: If you’re looking for something that meets in the middle between a mild and strong peel, this is perfect for you. This peel is good for all skin types and is used for treating mild to moderate skin imperfections. Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and melasma. We encourage repeating every 3-4 weeks for a series of 3-6 peels to achieve optimal results. Mild to moderate peeling lasting 2-5 days, this is a step up from the Illuminize Peel.

Strong Peels

SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel: Ideal for treating moderate to severe skin imperfections. Stronger than the Vitalize Peel (slightly more erythema, burning, expected frosting). Moderate peeling lasting 2-5 days and can be repeated every 4-6 weeks. We recommend 3-6 peels for best results, but after each treatment results are achieved. Can be used on all skin types!

ZO 3 Step Peel: This is exactly what it sounds like, a three-step process to perfecting this treatment. Helps reduce signs of aging, large pores, melasma, pigmentation concerns, etc. Prepping the skin requires using a medical grade retinol of at least .5% strength 6 weeks prior to your appointment. We recommend scheduling a consultation and letting our esthetician prescribe a skincare routine that’ll optimize the results of your treatment. The peel solution contains 5% lactic acid, 10% TCA and 17% salicylic acid. This is why it’s super important to be diligent with your skin routine prior to the peel to get your skin ready to tolerate the peel. It is safe for all skin types and peeling lasts 3-5 days and in some cases, a couple days longer. Results are noticeable after just one peel!

Kelly Rauch