The Ins and Outs of Microneedling


What is microneedling and is it worth it?

This is a common question, and we have the answers. Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvination procedure that helps with the reduction of acne, acne scarring, fine lines, pore size, etc. It aids in skin tightening and overall texture/appearance of skin. Many of us struggle with our skin and sometimes skincare just isn’t enough.

We recommend 3-6 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. After the first treatment, you’ll notice a change in your skin and the results continue to improve each session. At The Facebar, we use the SkinPen microneedling device. The micro-injuries caused during the procedure trigger the release of cytokines and growth factors to stimulate collagen production.

Prior to treatment, we apply a topical numbing cream that helps make the experience as little to painless as possible. Although it sounds painful, most people tolerate treatment well, on a scale of 1-10 most say around 4. Plan on redness that will diminish over 3 days.

During treatment, your skin will become red and tight, which creates the sensation similar to a sunburn. Post care instructions are given at the appointment, and our providers will ensure that you are properly educated on what not to do afterwards! Microneedling is a game changer and 100% worth investing in. If you’re interested or have questions, schedule for a free consultation!

Kelly Rauch