Collagen Restoration with Sculptra

Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA approved injectable made of poly-L-lactic acid. PLLA stimulates and replaces lost collagen, restoring volume and structure over time. Different from creams and supplements, Sculptra addresses the underlying cause of facial aging, working deep within the dermis.

Our favorite area to treat with this product is by far the mid-face, specifically the temples. When treated, volume restoration to the temples yields a natural, youthful appearance and overall lift.

How many treatments does it take? On average, 2 vials of Sculptra Aesthetic are used at your initial visit. It is recommended to follow up 2-3 months after your first injections for a provider to evaluate your progress. While number of sessions and results may vary, the average patient will need to complete 2-3 treatments upfront. Results can last up to 2+ years, however, we recommend a yearly follow up to determine an appropriate maintenance plan.

As with any medical procedure, we highly encourage a consultation to determine if this treatment is best for you. The most common side effects are similar to any injectable including tenderness, swelling and bruising. Post treatment care is always reviewed in detail at your appointment.

Sculptra is a part of the Galderma portfolio. Earn ASPIRE points with your treatments for future savings. Facebar VIP members receive 15% off this treatment!

Kelly Rauch